Sunday, June 28, 2009

watch collection

i am a novice watch collector. however, my hobby has taught me naught about being on time. ask anyone around me about my timeliness, they'd say my watches are of no help. i do not collect solely expensive watches; my most expensive ones are my gucci and philip stein. rather, i collect to have a stylish watch for any purpose and mood.

my favorite watches are the the casio baby g purchased from south korea, my gucci from Rogers and Hollands and my small classis philip stein from neiman marcus.

the casio baby g g-ms watch is classic looking with a bit of edge. it comes in two shades of pink and white. it is made of metal and resin and has six studs. it shows the date, second, and digital time.

the gucci watch is of the bamboo series. i have the most simple version; it is without diamonds along the top and bottom. it is a quality and sturdy watch. it scratches easily and looks delicate. I normally wear it with something that is a little bit more feminine or if i am going out for the evening.

the small classis philip stein feels heavy and sturdy when i have it on. the leather is top notch and the shine of the watch is great. the watch has magnets that are suppose to work with the human body's electromagnetic field. the watch does give me this strange tingling feel when i wear it but i've never noticed that it calms me down significantly. however, i've never worn it long enough. note: the leather strap can be replaced if i needed.

i like to wear my white casio baby g, purchased in south korea, for casual occasions. i wear my storm watch (from london) when i feel like being a cool geek rebel at work.

fashion and accessories

normally, i wear simple accessories. i tend to like streamlined items rather than wild looking items. it must be my fear of not looking and acting my age which draws me to more simple and elegant accessories. my everyday wears are my very small perfectly ideal cut diamond earrings and a watch. I will wear a ring if the mood strikes me but i tend to stick to classic pieces.

my goal for this upcoming year is to learn more about mixing and matching the classic stuff with trendy items. stay tuned...